You Don’t Need New Year Resolutions

Simple Ways to Break Into Success in 2023

Ibrahim Jimoh
2 min readJan 1, 2023
Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

As the New Year dawns, it’s time to forgo resolutions and instead focus on execution. Without execution, resolutions are just hollow words.

Instead of putting unnecessary pressure on yourself, commit to realistic goals and take action to make progress. This means breaking them down into smaller, achievable tasks, while creating a plan of action with a timeline. This way, you can monitor your progress and experience the satisfaction of completing each task.

Execution is essential to success. It is not enough to just wish and hope for things to work out. You must make them happen. That’s why this New Year, I’m not setting unnecessary pressure on myself. I’m committing to realistic goals and taking action to make progress.

Spending more time on execution, rather than just wishing and hoping, is the best way to succeed in the New Year.

For example, if your goal is to stay fit, join a gym and enroll in swimming lessons with a coach. Dedicate yourself to working hard to reach your goals and break them down into manageable tasks. This will allow you to track your progress and feel a sense of accomplishment as you complete each task.

Breaking your goals into themes can also help you stay focused. For example, if you want to achieve success in the New Year, consider themes such as Education, Business, Finance, Family/Relationships/Networking, and Leisure. Ask yourself questions such as:

🚀What skills can I acquire or develop to finish my degree with distinction?

🚀How can I strategically grow my business?

🚀What budgeting strategies can I implement to improve my finances?

🚀What changes can I make to strengthen my relationships?

🚀What activities can I do to have more leisure time?

So, instead of making resolutions this year, focus on execution and make it happen. Take action to make progress and break down your goals into smaller, achievable tasks. You have the potential to make this year the best yet. Make small changes that will lead to bigger results.

To ensure success, create a plan of action and timeline of achievable tasks. Break your goals down into themes and ask yourself specific questions. Monitor your progress and savor the satisfaction of completing each task. This will lead you to success in the New Year. So instead of making resolutions, focus on execution and make it happen.


Without execution, resolutions are just hollow words.

Let’s go grind and have fun executing.

Cheers to a successful and fulfilling 2023! 🚀



Ibrahim Jimoh

ESG Manager | Author|Writer| Entrepreneur| Peace Advocate|Fellow, Equal Access Int.|Poet|Founder,